Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Very First Blog

Well we decided that a blog would be the best way to share pics of our family as Avery changes so quickly. I thought this would be easier then trying to email them out every time I take some cute pictures. Avery is changing so much and learning so many new things! She is officially just over 5 mos. old now and we are loving every minute of her precious life! Being a physical therapist I am always trying to work with Avery and teach her new things, but I think the Lord is trying to teach me that she will do things when she is ready to do them, as she still does not roll over frequently; only when I am using toys to get her to reach. She does however absolutely LOVE to stand...she'd much rather do this then sit or lay down. She does great with tummy time, rolls to her side constantly, is always bridging, and we find her squirming to different areas when on the floor or in her crib. She is not a cuddler much to her parent's dismay and always wants to support her own head or body rather then lay against us. She is SUCH a delight and joy to our lives!

I am LOVING my new schedule, working M,W,F, a couple hours in the AM in the Hawarden nursing home with the rest of my hours in Orange City. Todd is getting ready for his busy season and in anticipation is trying to finish our summer projects of putting on a screened-in porch and putting in sliding glass doors in our living room to go out to the new porch. We also reshingled our house with the help of many family and friends are are SO thankful to have this done!

We continue to enjoy our dog Desiree and try every evening to get in 2-4 mi walks with her and Avery in the jogging stroller. We both just LOVE the cooler fall weater and anticipate the changing seasons as fall is both of our favorites.

Anyways, here are some pics of Avery over the past couple months...I will post some more in the next day or two. Enjoy!!